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Produkt zum Begriff Real:
Real-World Cryptography
If you’re browsing the web, using public APIs, making and receiving electronic payments, registering and logging in users, or experimenting with blockchain, you’re relying on cryptography. And you’re probably trusting a collection of tools, frameworks, and protocols to keep your data, users, and business safe. It’s important to understand these tools so you can make the best decisions about how, where, and why to use them. Real-World Cryptography teaches you applied cryptographic techniques to understand and apply security at every level of your systems and applications.about the technologyCryptography is the foundation of information security. This simultaneously ancient and emerging science is based on encryption and secure communication using algorithms that are hard to crack even for high-powered computer systems. Cryptography protects privacy, secures online activity, and defends confidential information, such as credit cards, from attackers and thieves. Without cryptographic techniques allowing for easy encrypting and decrypting of data, almost all IT infrastructure would be vulnerable.about the bookReal-World Cryptography helps you understand the cryptographic techniques at work in common tools, frameworks, and protocols so you can make excellent security choices for your systems and applications. There’s no unnecessary theory or jargon—just the most up-to-date techniques you’ll need in your day-to-day work as a developer or systems administrator. Cryptography expert David Wong takes you hands-on with cryptography building blocks such as hash functions and key exchanges, then shows you how to use them as part of your security protocols and applications. Alongside modern methods, the book also anticipates the future of cryptography, diving into emerging and cutting-edge advances such as cryptocurrencies, password-authenticated key exchange, and post-quantum cryptography. Throughout, all techniques are fully illustrated with diagrams and real-world use cases so you can easily see how to put them into practice. what's insideBest practices for using cryptographyDiagrams and explanations of cryptographic algorithmsIdentifying and fixing cryptography bad practices in applicationsPicking the right cryptographic tool to solve problemsabout the readerFor cryptography beginners with no previous experience in the field.about the authorDavid Wong is a senior engineer working on Blockchain at Facebook. He is an active contributor to internet standards like Transport Layer Security and to the applied cryptography research community. David is a recognized authority in the field of applied cryptography; he’s spoken at large security conferences like Black Hat and DEF CON and has delivered cryptography training sessions in the industry.
Preis: 58.84 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Real-World Natural Language Processing
Voice assistants, automated customer service agents, and other cutting-edge human-to-computer interactions rely on accurately interpreting language as it is written and spoken. Real-world Natural Language Processing teaches you how to create practical NLP applications without getting bogged down in complex language theory and the mathematics of deep learning. In this engaging book, you’ll explore the core tools and techniques required to build a huge range of powerful NLP apps.about the technologyNatural language processing is the part of AI dedicated to understanding and generating human text and speech. NLP covers a wide range of algorithms and tasks, from classic functions such as spell checkers, machine translation, and search engines to emerging innovations like chatbots, voice assistants, and automatic text summarization. Wherever there is text, NLP can be useful for extracting meaning and bridging the gap between humans and machines.about the bookReal-world Natural Language Processing teaches you how to create practical NLP applications using Python and open source NLP libraries such as AllenNLP and Fairseq. In this practical guide, you’ll begin by creating a complete sentiment analyzer, then dive deep into each component to unlock the building blocks you’ll use in all different kinds of NLP programs. By the time you’re done, you’ll have the skills to create named entity taggers, machine translation systems, spelling correctors, and language generation systems. what's insideDesign, develop, and deploy basic NLP applicationsNLP libraries such as AllenNLP and FairseqAdvanced NLP concepts such as attention and transfer learningabout the readerAimed at intermediate Python programmers. No mathematical or machine learning knowledge required.about the authorMasato Hagiwara received his computer science PhD from Nagoya University in 2009, focusing on Natural Language Processing and machine learning. He has interned at Google and Microsoft Research, and worked at Baidu Japan, Duolingo, and Rakuten Institute of Technology. He now runs his own consultancy business advising clients, including startups and research institutions.
Preis: 58.84 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Real-World Bug Hunting (Yaworski, Peter)
Real-World Bug Hunting , Learn how people break websites and how you can, too. Real-World Bug Hunting is the premier field guide to finding software bugs. Whether you're a cyber-security beginner who wants to make the internet safer or a seasoned developer who wants to write secure code, ethical hacker Peter Yaworski will show you how it's done. You'll learn about the most common types of bugs like cross-site scripting, insecure direct object references, and server-side request forgery. Using real-life case studies of rewarded vulnerabilities from applications like Twitter, Facebook, Google, and Uber, you'll see how hackers manage to invoke race conditions while transferring money, use URL parameter to cause users to like unintended tweets, and more. Each chapter introduces a vulnerability type accompanied by a series of actual reported bug bounties. The book's collection of tales from the field will teach you how attackers trick users into giving away their sensitive information and how sites may reveal their vulnerabilities to savvy users. You'll even learn how you could turn your challenging new hobby into a successful career. You'll learn: • How the internet works and basic web hacking concepts • How attackers compromise websites • How to identify functionality commonly associated with vulnerabilities • How to find bug bounty programs and submit effective vulnerability reports Real-World Bug Hunting is a fascinating soup-to-nuts primer on web security vulnerabilities, filled with stories from the trenches and practical wisdom. With your new understanding of site security and weaknesses, you can help make the web a safer place--and profit while you're at it. , > , Erscheinungsjahr: 20190702, Produktform: Kartoniert, Autoren: Yaworski, Peter, Themenüberschrift: COMPUTERS / Security / Viruses & Malware, Keyword: bug;debugging;bug bounty;hacking;hacker;white hat;ethical hacking;hacks;web developer;bug hunter;software security;penetration testing;security;information security;web;computers;technology;networking;privacy;hackers;computer;cybersecurity;tech;network;cyber security;dark web;cloud computing;computer networking;computer networks;network security;computer books;malware;cyber security books;malware analysis;hacking books;computer security;penetration test;cyber;internet;cryptography;business, Fachschema: Englische Bücher / Naturwissenschaften~Internet / Protokolle, Sicherheit, Technik~Datensicherheit / Netz~Informatik, Fachkategorie: Internet, allgemein~Netzwerksicherheit~Informatik~Computerprogrammierung und Softwareentwicklung, Imprint-Titels: No Starch Press, Warengruppe: HC/Datenkommunikation/Netze/Mailboxen, Fachkategorie: Computerviren, Trojaner und Würmer, Text Sprache: eng, Seitenanzahl: xxv, Seitenanzahl: 235, UNSPSC: 49019900, Warenverzeichnis für die Außenhandelsstatistik: 49019900, Verlag: Random House LLC US, Verlag: Random House LLC US, Länge: 233, Breite: 177, Höhe: 20, Gewicht: 513, Produktform: Kartoniert, Genre: Importe, Genre: Importe, Herkunftsland: VEREINIGTE STAATEN VON AMERIKA (US), Katalog: LIB_ENBOOK, Katalog: Gesamtkatalog, Katalog: Internationale Lagertitel, Katalog: internationale Titel, Katalog: Kennzeichnung von Titeln mit einer Relevanz > 30, Katalog: Lagerartikel, Book on Demand, ausgew. Medienartikel, Relevanz: 0008, Tendenz: -1, Unterkatalog: AK, Unterkatalog: Bücher, Unterkatalog: Hardcover, Unterkatalog: Lagerartikel, WolkenId: 2250456
Preis: 31.20 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Monika Michalko: Here in the Real World
Monika Michalko: Here in the Real World , Une nouvelle « Nef des fous » Arbres et vrilles végétales, oiseaux et champignons, logis et intérieurs décors : Monika Michalko (*1982 Sokolov, République tchèque) rapproche dans sa peinture des éléments figuratifs et objectifs, organiques et ornementaux, abstraits et architecturaux. Les compositions de ses tableaux sont toujours fictives : souvenirs, fantasmes et scènes oniriques y forment un univers pictural défini par ses propres lois. La tonalité spécifique des ses oeuvres elle aussi renforce leur caractère onirique. Toujours, ces compositions rappellent de loin des artistes modernes comme Paul Klee, Kasimir Malewitsch, Giorgio de Chirico, Odilon Redon ou James Ensor. Dans son tableau vivant « Ship of Fools » (Nef des fous) de 2023, différents interprètes dont des enfants et un chien se montrent dans un décor aux fortes vagues de carton ondulé sur le point de se rompre. Monika Michalko réussit un grand écart passionnant entre animé et inanimé, statique et mouvement. La représentation d'un navire égaré plein de fous présente de nombreuses références à Nuremberg : la satire morale de la fin du Moyen-âge « La Nef des fous » de Sebastian Brant (1457-1521) a été l'une des oeuvres en langue allemande illustrées les plus populaire »s du 15 ème siècle. Parmi les artistes avec lesquels Brant a collaboré à Bâle pour les illustrations se trouvait aussi le jeune Albrecht Dürer. Monika Michalko trouve ici une nouvelle interprétation du motif et propose une métaphore contemporaine pour décrire l'état de notre monde chaotique. Expositions : Kunsthalle Nürnberg, 29/6 - 6/10/2024 Städtisches Museum Engen + Galerie, 16/11/2024 - 21/1/2025 , Bücher > Bücher & Zeitschriften
Preis: 48.00 € | Versand*: 0 €
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Real World Print Production with Adobe Creative Cloud
Sharpen your print production skills with this definitive resource created specifically for design professionals who need to create files using the Adobe Creative Cloud, including InDesign, Photoshop, Illustrator, and Acrobat and output for printing. The previous edition was steady seller, helping designers who have no training in print get up and running quickly and not make expensive mistakes on their projects. Completely updated for CS6 and the CC, this book also helps designers with some print experience tackle more complex projects. The book covers all the Adobe Suite programs they need to know to produce successful projects, rather than buying 4 or 5 different books. This book is considered the complete resource for understanding the print cycle, how ink works on paper, managing fonts, using color spaces, handling images, and preparing files for print or electronic output. Print expert Claudia McCue shares her hands-on techniques to prepare files, edit photos and graphics, and prevent common problems without missing a deadline. This book is brimming with insightful advice, illustrations, and shortcuts that will have you quickly and professionally producing your work in no time. Covers: Acrobat XI, InDesign CC, Photoshop CC, and Illustrator CC for Macintosh and Windows
Preis: 25.67 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Real World Agility: Practical Guidance for Agile Practitioners
Proven Solutions for the Most Widespread and Frustrating Agile Challenges “This book gives you the answers that a wise mentor would have given you, if you had one. Daniel Gullo shares his insights on the principal questions that everyone coming to the world of Agile will inevitably encounter. ” –From the foreword by Stephen Denning, author of The Leader’s Guide to Radical Management Agile is becoming ubiquitous, but successful Agile implementation remains difficult. Organizations keep getting stuck on the same issues. However, with Real World Agility: Practical Guidance for Agile Practitioners, that need not happen to you. World-renowned Agile coach and consultant Daniel James Gullo identifies and addresses nearly sixty widespread challenges faced by anyone trying to derive value from Agile. Drawing on his vast experience guiding Agile teams to success, Gullo helps you accurately diagnose your problems, describes each solution with maximum clarity, and concisely presents the details you need in order to act effectively. This accessible guide is for every project participant and stakeholder: from ScrumMasters and team leads to developers, project managers, product owners, and customers. Gullo addresses methods ranging from Scrum to Kanban, guides you on scaling Agile, and even helps you apply it beyond software development. Coverage includes Making sense of Agile’s many “flavors”Overcoming key hurdles in transitioning from waterfallAddressing cultural obstaclesMeshing Agile teams with your management hierarchyEngaging executives with Agile practices and valuesClarifying relationships among ScrumMasters, product owners, and project managersSmoothly handling key tasks, such as organizing backlogs and defining sprintsTaking advantage of continuous integration and test-driven developmentBringing Agile to distributed teams and large product portfolios Throughout, vignettes show exactly how Agile problems manifest in the real world–and how Gullo’s solutions can help you overcome them. As you learn from others’ experiences, you’ll quickly begin to see a clear path to success.
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